Blogs — Bitz

How to Get Cooking at Home

How to Get Cooking at Home

A beautifully baked treat is a lovely way of offering up the pleasure of dining to friends and family. Here at Homecolours we f...
by Robert Monk
The Perfect Ways to Make and Enjoy Summer Salads

The Perfect Ways to Make and Enjoy Summer Salads

When it’s warm outside, a main course of salad is often the most delicious and refreshing answer. Here at Homecolours, we love ...
by Robert Monk
Serving with Style- Designer Trays and Table Accessories

Serving with Style- Designer Trays and Table Accessories

How a meal or set of snacks is served can sometimes make just as much of an impression as the food itself. The setting of the t...
by Robert Monk
Tips for Enjoying Healthy and Tasty Meals at Home

Tips for Enjoying Healthy and Tasty Meals at Home

A healthy and enjoyable diet is an essential part of living comfortably and well. By maximising the nutritious effects of good ...
by Robert Monk
Get the Kitchen Ready for Baking in Style

Get the Kitchen Ready for Baking in Style

Here at Homecolours we firmly believe that inspiration for trying out new ideas in the kitchen can come from all sorts of place...
by Robert Monk